BLP Petroleum Sdn Bhd had almost 20 years of experience in the market. BLP Petroleum Sdn Bhd experts to solve problems used to face by maintenance or production department in the industry. We are providing product presentations and product training to the customer.

There are few factors will cause industrial face some technical problem on the machines. First of all, poor lubricant knowledge will cause machines to break down from time to time. The usage of wrong oil/greases at application will cause harm to machine life, and the maintenance cost will become higher.

Besides, choosing the wrong viscosity of lubricants (NLGI & ISO) is one of the factors that will lead to industrial face machinery problems. If the end-user using the wrong viscosity of oil and grease will harm the machine life, increase in working temperature, noise and heat from the machine, causing higher energy waste, etc.

Last but not least, improper lubrication will cause bearing failure frequently. It will cause bearing life span short and misalignment.